All in Nonfiction

How We Fight for Our Lives

I am not the first to say it, and I will not be the last: How We Fight for Our Lives is an incredible work of art. A memoir that truly stands apart — one that reaches into your heart and guts and squeezes. One that uses words more powerfully than almost any other. One that will stay with you for a long, long time.

There Will Be No Miracles Here

There Will Be No Miracles Here is an example of exactly why I love to read memoir. Actually, I really love to listen to memoir audiobooks (as I did with this one) — the author often reads the book themself. And this book is incredibly honest, raw, and thought-provoking.

Three Women

I’m not giving this a star rating because Three Women is a difficult book to review. On the one hand, as the hype around this book suggests, the writing is really good, and the subject matter is gripping. However, there’s a big asterisk there: The publicity around this book has been extremely problematic.

The In-Betweens

The In-Betweens is a fascinating, journalistic look into a world that quietly exists right under all of our noses — the religion and community of Spiritualism. Her neutral but relatable reporting will leave you thinking long after you close the book.

Elements of Fiction

I liked but didn’t love this book, and I think that’s because it was very different from what I’d expected. This book is much less of a guide to fiction (reading or writing), and more like a love letter or an ode to fiction.