All in Nonfiction

How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines

Rating: 5/5 | I didn't study English or literature in college, but I wish I had taken at least one or two classes. I love to read, and I'm sure there are deeper meanings I'm missing. I did some poking around online to figure out the best way to get started, and I found my way to this book. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I recommend that you do too. (Click the post to read more.)

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Rating: 3/5 | I do not consider myself an artist or someone who is regularly creative, but I still got a lot of good information out of this book. I actually listened to it as an audiobook, which I love to do with memoirs and similar books because they are usually read by the author themself. (Click the post to read more.)

When Breath Becomes Air

Rating: 5/5 | What an absolutely beautiful book by an absolutely beautiful person. I often find memoirs interesting, but it is rare that I find them so moving. Paul is not only a brilliant doctor with a unique story to tell but also a fantastic writer. (Click the post to read more.)

If Harry Potter Ran General Electric: Leadership Wisdom from the World of Wizards

Rating: 5/5 | Many of you in the leadership world may have heard of Tom Morris’ famous book, If Aristotle Ran General Motors. In it, he discusses how the principles addressed by great historic philosophers translate to the business world today. Many major organizations face questions about ethics, human nature, and competitive excellence. According to Morris, the great thinkers of old had much to say on these subjects. (Click the post to read more.)